The “Thing about Clean”

The thing about clean is that no one person’s idea of clean is the same! Your idea of clean and my idea of clean can be so different! Doesn’t everybody have somebody in their family who doesn’t seem to notice how really dirty their house is? I know I have one and its hard to want to have holiday dinners there for sure.
This is why we try to separate cleans by name so that we can cover a persons expections by naming the basic things we do in each type of clean.
Here are some examples:
Basic clean- This clean is usually a surface clean… cover all the basics but remember a basic clean does not usually cover baseboards and blinds! Blinds take so so much extra time if they have caked on grease and grim that you need to specify those things if they are important to you.
Deep cleaning- this is the clean I like most! Isn’t it great to get your whole house looking and smelling great! Deep cleans most often include moving furniture and getting inside things like the oven and under the kitchen cabinets, door frames and deep cleans are fantastic in the bathrooms! There is just nothing like having your bathroom floors hand mopped!
So when is the right time to do a deep clean? Whenever you want! Lol… but seriously as a rule its good to get your house deep cleaned at least twice a year. Why? Built up in your showers and window sills ect can lead to many different types of mold in your home that can make you sick. The deep clean kills those different types of bacteria. Also it helps to move all your things and get behind them and get things like spider webs and also be able to know if you have things like mice or termites beginning.
Oh and the best reason…. YOU WILL LOVE IT!
Want to see a more detailed list of what is provided in our cleans? Check out our website at or call us anytime for a free quote! 1-541-410-1770
Remember…. If you love us you will never clean up after yourself again!
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